Skokomish Emergency Response Team:
COVID-19 Update
Symptoms: Early signs of COVID-19 include Loss of Taste/Smell, Fever, Cough, and Tiredness. Other symptoms include Fever or Chills, Cough, Shortness of Breath or Difficulty Breathing, Fatigue, New Loss of Taste or Smell, Muscle of Body Aches, Headache, Sore Throat, Congestion or Runny Nose, Nausea or Vomiting, and Diarrhea. Symptoms appear 2-14
days following an exposure.
Testing is available through Mason General Hospital. If you are experiencing any symptoms, contact the COVID-19 Respiratory Illness Triage Line at 360-427-3615. The Health Clinic is asking for your help to track the spread of COVID-19 through the community. If you have tested for COVID-19 recently, whether you test positive or negative, please call and inform them of the results of the test at 360-426-5755
Vaccine: Moderna Vaccine is available to ALL Skokomish community members over the age of 18. Please contact the Health Clinic for information regarding vaccine availability at 360-968-9952 or 360-545-2637.
Personal Protective Equipment: PPE is available through the Skokomish Tribal Health Clinic. This includes Cloth Masks, Disposable Masks, Sanitizer, Gloves, Cleaning Supplies, Eye Protection, Face Shields and More! Please call 360-968-9912 for your PPE needs. Isolation/Quarantine: Isolation is the separation of people who have tested positive for COVID-
19 from people who are not sick to prevent transmission. Isolation means you stay home and away from others (including household members) for the recommended period of time to avoid spreading illness. Quarantine takes place when people who were exposed to a positive case are separated and movement is restricted in case they become infected. Quarantine means you stay home and away from others for the recommended period of time in case you are infected and are contagious. Quarantine becomes isolation if you later test positive for COVID-19 or develop COVID-19 symptoms.
Anyone who has had a close contact with COVID-19 should get tested immediately and quarantine for 14 days. The COVID-19 Emergency Response Team is here to help provide you food, medicine and other needs while in isolation and quarantine. If you need assistance with isolation or quarantine due to COVID-19 call 360-968-9912
Skokomish Emergency Tribal Department Hours and Services
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Employee State: On-Site
Information: Tribal Center Closed. Available via telephone or email.
Contact: Victoria Pavel, CFO
Telephone: (360) 426-4232 x 2038
​Services Offered:
Client access for pick up and drop off window on the side of the building is available
In person appointments for ID cards can still be scheduled
Executive Secretary:
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: On-Site
Information: Tribal Center Closed. Available via telephone or email.
Contact: Bobbi Blacketer, Executive Secretary
Telephone: (360) 426-4232 x 2021
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Employee Status: On Site
Information: Tribal Center Closed. Available via telephone or email.
Contact: Winona Plant, Personnel Manager
Telephone: (360) 426-4232 x 2009
IT and Sounder:
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Employee Status: On Site
Information: IT Department Closed. Available via telephone or email.
Contact: Jason Todd- IT Director, Andrew Todd- Network Administrator and Mark Warren- Sounder/IT
Telephone: (360) 426-4232 x 2099
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: On Site with Flexible work schedule. Telework hybrid.
Information: Legal Department is closed. Available via telephone or email.
Contact: Earle Lees, Tribal Attorney
Telephone: (360) 426-4232 x 2068
Tuwaduq Family Services:
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: On Site
Information: Legal Department is closed. Available via telephone or email.
Contact: Rosetta LaClair, Tuwaduq Family Services Manager
Telephone: (360) 426-4232 x 2314
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: Onsite and Telework
Information: The Education Department is open for in-person tutoring. Staff are available via telephone, email or Zoom. For tutoring services or college and career assistance, please call to arrange for services.
Contact: Antonio Sandifer, Education Director
Telephone: (360) 877-2460 x 2701
Early Childhood Education:
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Employee Status: Telework
Information: Skokomish Child Care remains Closed. Available via telephone or email.
Contact: Austin Randall, ECE Director
Telephone: (360) 877-9007 x 2402
Services Offered:
Skokomish Child Care is closed until further notice.
Skokomish Head Start is providing remote education and support services for its enrolled families.
Housing/Public Works:
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: On-Site
Information: Tribal Housing Department is closed to the public. Limited staffing is available by appointment, telephone or email.
Contact: Larry Winders, Housing Director
Telephone: (360) 877-6748
Cellphone: (509) 846-3253
Community Center:
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: Onsite
Information: The Community Center is closed to the public. Staff if available via telephone or email.
Contact: John Gouley, Community Center Manager
Telephone: (360) 877-2627
Police Department:
Hours: Open 24/7
Employee Status: On Site
Information: Police Department is open and performing regular duties.
Contact: Douglas Smith, Chief of Police
Telephone: (360) 426-4441; 911 for emergencies
Natural Resources:
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: On Site
Information: Natural Resources is tentatively open.
Contact: Joseph Pavel, Natural Resources Director or Jon Wolf, Deputy Director
Telephone: (360) 877-2627
Email: or
Services Offered:
Tribal Members are to utilize the window for service and must wear a mask.
DNR is issuing hunting tags, shellfish tags, and subsistence cards.
Most of our staff are working in the field or working from home so service may be delayed, especially during lunch hours from 1-2.
Tribal Court:
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM
Employee Status: Telework Hybrid. Flexible work schedule
Information: Tribal Court is closed. Available via telephone or email. Court calendars are being done virtually, through Google Meet. Tribal members that do not have internet and/or video capacity can participate in the hearings via a telephone number set up for each hearing.
Contact: Robert Jimerson, Tribal Court Administrator
Telephone: (360) 426-4740
Tribal TANF:
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: Onsite - Currently, staff quarantining due to COVID-19 exposure. Will return to office November 2
Information: TANF Building is closed.
Contact: Lea Miller, TANF Director or Julianne Gale, Youth Program Supervisor
Telephone: (360) 877-2200 x 2505
Facebook: Skokomish Youth (for more resources and flyers)
Applications are placed in a bin outside of the building and checked daily.
Support service request forms are also in the bin.
Youth Program delivers educational, cultural, wellness, or art activity kits every Thursday for the Youth Program at Home project.
To sign up, fill out the online application or contact a Youth Program staff member:
Allen: 360-549-6106, Corbett: 360-463-1890, Fawn: 360-490-8231, Willie: 360-490-2055.
Contact Youth Program Supervisor Julianne Gale if you have any questions, donations, or suggestions: or 360-490-6475
Community Development Office:
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Employee Status: On Site with Telework Hybrid
Information: Tribal Center Closed. Available via telephone or email.
Contact: Jackie Smith, CDO Manager
Telephone: (360) 426-4232 x 2004
Cellphone: (360) 545-2146
Skokomish Health Clinic
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m
Employee Status: On Site
Information: Health Clinic is open & All Departments are providing in-person appointments.
Contact: Denese LaClair
Telephone: (360) 426-5755
Department Schedules and Services
Medical: Staff on-site and open during normal business hours listed above.
In-person Appointments are available to non-COVID19 symptomatic patients.
Patients who self-report the following during screenings are triaged by ARNP’s:
Patients reporting known COVID-19 symptoms
Callers reporting recent exposure to someone being tested
Callers reporting recent exposure to someone tested with pending results
PRC Notification for Urgent Care or Emergency Services: Individuals eligible for PRC/Contact Health Program are required to provide notification within 72 hours after receiving emergency room or urgent care services outside of our normal business hours.
Dental: Staff on-site and open during normal business hours listed above. The contracted Denturist has returned to the office once per month.
Substance Use: Staff is onsite available during normal business hours listed above. We have two full-time SUD counselors available for the community. Patients can call the front office staff and schedule appointments for intake assessments or individual sessions. One of our SUD counselors must authorize group participation prior to scheduling.
Mental Health: Staff is open during normal hours. We have two full-time MH counselors available to provide individual intake assessments or individual counseling sessions.
Contracted Specialty Providers: Patients requesting specialty appointments are required to schedule an appointment through front office staff and follow the clinic patient care protocol.
Chiropractor: Dr. Josef Scott is on-site once per week on Thursdays from 8:00 am-5:00 pm for in-clinic chiropractic services.
Podiatrist: Dr. Deborah Behre provides podiatry services biweekly for 4 hours. Diabetics are given priority for scheduling.
Nutritionist: Dr. Cynthia Beck is on-site every other week for 6 hours per day. The Diabetics have priority over the Nutrition schedule.